Tips for learning Spanish

Language learning tips Spanish

asked by
almost 5 years ago
Hi, I want to learn Spanish but I still don't know what to use and what I should do. Do you have any tips?
1 answer
answered by
Genesis Diaz
almost 5 years ago

Hello there! My name is Genesis, I am from Nicaragua and I am glad to be here helping you to learn Spanish. Let me start by giving you three general tips for you to initiate out working on your learning Spanish schedule.

Tip # 1- Set up and specific hour to learn the language

One of the best things you can do when you start learning a language is to organize your time. Time is more valuable than nothing. We just have 24 hours, and if you don't organize it, you will surely lose it.

You can designate an hour to read a newspaper or listen to a podcast in Spanish to start acquiring the language. Once you get used to it, you will feel committed to working out on that specific hour.

Quick note: Make sure, you establish an hour in which you can study daily.

Tip #2- Define what you want to learn in Spanish and why

Sometimes we start learning a language just because. Not having a purpose of why you want to learn something, will lead you to stop doing so because you do not have a direction in which you can focus.

Probably, you can determine yourself to learn Spanish to communicate with people around the world, to be updated of the international news, or to become a Spanish teacher. Knowing this, you can find specific resources and materials like articles about the subject or dialogues to practice, and make your learning interesting and enjoyable.

Tip #3- Think in Spanish

How can I do it, If I do not know anything about Spanish? You may ask yourself this question, and it is valid. You can not think of something you do not know, but learning a new language implicates a lot of exposure and practice of it. Therefore, I have committed myself to this site with the intention of giving you a lot of exposure, that means that you will find Spanish since the beginning. Does that signify that my first lesson will be delivered in Spanish without any English? The answer to your question is yes, but do not freak out! this is part of your learning process.

To conclude. I would like to invite you to visit my new episode next week, in which I'll start my first lesson.

Keep that spirit alive!

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