Spanish present tense


asked by
over 4 years ago
Hi can you explain me the present tense in Spanish?
1 answer
answered by
over 4 years ago

Hola. Sure, I will try to explain it as clearly as possible šŸ˜€

Spanish Present Tense (Presente de indicativo)

Let's start with usage. You should and use this tense in the following situations:

In Spanish, verbs end with three different endings. They can end with -ar (bailar to dance, limpiar to clean). They can also end with -er (aprender to learn). And, finally, they can end with -ir (vivir to live).

To conjugate the regular verbs you need to take these endings away and add appropiate new ending depending on the subject and if it's singular or plural. Here are some examples with a few different verbs:

Vivo cerca I live nearby

Estudias polaco You learn Polish

Carmen canta muy bueno Carmen sings very well

Nosotros bailamos mucho We dance a lot

Nosotros comemos la cena juntos We eat dinner together

Let's learn conjugation of two verbs estudiar to learn, to study and leer to read and try to remember all the endings.


Spanish English
Yo estudio espaƱol I study Spanish
Tu estudias espaƱol You study Spanish
Ɖl/Ella estudia espaƱol He/She studies Spanish
Nosotros/Nosotras estudiamos espaƱol We (m.)/We (f.) study Spanish
Vosotros/Vosotras estudiƔis espaƱol You (m.)/You (f.) study Spanish
Ellos/Ellas estudian espaƱol They (m.)/They (f.) study Spanish


Spanish English
Yo leo el libro I read the book
Tu lees el libro You read the book
Ɖl/Ella lee el libro He/She reads the book
Nosotros/Nosotras leemos el libro We (m.)/We (f.) read the book
Vosotros/Vosotras leƩis el libro You (m.)/You (f.) read the book
Ellos/Ellas leen el libro They (m.)/They (f.) read the book

I think that after all this information we need to put our knowledge into practice. I have prepared a short quiz that will test your knowledge of the Spanish present tense. If you up for a challenge, click the link below and do the quiz.

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