Most common Spanish words


asked by
over 4 years ago
Where can I find a list of most common Spanish words with audio? Ideally, it would contain 1000-2000 most popular words and phrases... I am thinking of starting learning Spanish and would like to start by learning the most common Spanish words and, later, phrases.
1 answer
answered by
over 4 years ago

Hi there, not a problem. Please find below 50 the most popular and common words and phrases in Spanish. I hope they'll help you with a quick start in Spanish.

I will also add the pronunciation. All the recordings of the Spanish words were made by HarrisS, one of the contributors at Incidently, it is a fantastic website where you can post audio requests and members of the community will make recordings for you. It is for Spanish and other languages as well.

Spanish Pronunciation English
último last
propio own
conocer to know / to meet
dónde where?
quíen who?
mayor greater
todavía still
verdad truth
gente people
ciudad city, town
calle street
joven young person
más more
todo everything, all
todos everyone, everybody
político political
palabra word
sentencia sentence
morir to die
vivir to live
muerte death
vida life
cualquier any
agua water
terra earth
nadie nobody, none
alguien somebody, someone
problema problem
segundo second
minuto minute
hoy today
mañana tomorrow
ayer yesterday
cuerpo body
posible possible
saber to know
tener to have
poder to can, to be able to
cantar to sing
ir to go
irse to go and don't come back
cambiar to change
cambio change
guerra war
creer to believe
necesario necessary
tampoco neither
tambien also, too (when we want to say that we agree)
igual equal
ley law

I hope you have found it useful. Please let me know if you want to learn more Spanish words and phrases. I will try to help 😀

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