Italian filler words

asked by
almost 5 years ago
When speaking Italian, what can you say when trying to find words? What are Italian filler words that can be used?
1 answer
answered by
almost 5 years ago

Good questions. Filler words are words used for filling silent moments of thoughts or uncertainty.

All languages have them and they go way beyond a simple “ehm”.

Here are some Italian words you can use:

Tipo / Come Like

Beh Well

Cioè I mean

Vedi / Sai You know

Allora Then

E And

Quindi So

Per esempio For example

Diciamo Let's say

Keep them in mind because they are very important to improve your fluency when your vocabulary is limited and even when you will be an expert.

Connectors are patterns used per start o connect sentences in a conversation. They also work as filler words in many cases.

Penso che I think that

Cos’altro? What else?

Come si dice? How do you say that?

Direi I would say


A: Cosa pensi del film di ieri?What do you think about yesterday's movie?

B: Beh, penso che sia un po' brutto.Well, I think that it is quite bad.

A: Quindi non ti è piaciuto?So you didn't like it?

B: Cioè, sai io non sono un esperto ma diciamo che ci sono molte cose che non mi piacciono. I mean, you know I'm not an expert but let's say that there are things I didn't like of it.

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