How we can make Repeto courses better?

asked by
8 months ago
Dear Language Learners! We are trying to improve Repeto language courses and your input matters! Can you help us by sharing your thoughts: * What do you like most about our courses? * Any features you find particularly helpful? * Areas needing improvement? * Suggestions for additional content/resources? * Overall user experience rating? * Challenges faced? Reply with your feedback. Thank you for being part of our community!
7 answers
answered by
Ania Marysia
8 months ago

easy access repetition the competition creates motivation 5 Star rating*****

answered by
8 months ago

For the Polish course specifically, the vocabulary and videos up to B1 level are good. More B1 videos would be a good addition. Repetition is great, but as these are short stories it could be helpful to practice listening comprehension on fresh new scenarios.

The B2 level Podcasts are brilliant and long enough to keep going back to for repetition. I also like the new AI feature to create notes and stories which can be saved. Thank you for adding sound too, this is a great option.

I have found the 'questions' section useful, for example, to read answers to prior questions about grammar rules and prepositions etc. and discovering the website

Only one very minor challenge; the 'sport' video at B1 level is a broken link and can't be viewed.

Overall, a very easy and user friendly interface. Great user experience rating from me.

answered by
8 months ago

I appreciate your nice feedback Ania and Anna!

We are trying to develop some new types of exercises like quizzes and, possibly, crosswords. I think the ones we have are decent but they do not offer too much variety 😀

Once this is done (I hope it will take a couple of weeks), I will try to get some help with creating new content and will continue on creating new types of exercises.

What do you think of following idea: learners create their own resorces (with AI or by themselves) and notes have settings private and public. A public note is available to all learners and, if popular, could be part of a course? I like this idea but I'm not sure if this is something that we should introduce...

Once again, thanks for your opinions, perhaps there will be more.

ps (I have fixed the video 'sport')

answered by
8 months ago

New quizzes and other word exercises would be great.

I like the idea of public notes, and this would build on the already available existing community resources. I would be interested in trying it to find out if it would be successful.

Thank you for fixing the 'sport' video - I'll go and check it out now!

answered by
8 months ago

When taking the vocabulary tests, it would be great if the system indicated where the mistake was made. I'm attempting lesson one of Italian, all of my answers look correct to me, I've reordered them many times but still I am making a mistake and have no idea what it is. Pretty frustrating considering it is lesson one.

answered by
8 months ago

Hello Jay,

Thanks for letting me know, our Italian courses are not too good unfortunatelly. I will have a closer look and will try to fix it.

answered by
4 months ago
I do like this website, I'm on A1 level learning sections and so far the repetition works well. So not really looked beyond my level. 

I would like to see numbers or titles against the in individual A1 as so far I need to count down so not to press and repeat. 

Stories is your forte so I guess keep to this or add more. Vocab through sentence building is a great thing. Copy Children stories or books, but guess then it be copy right issue...

Maybe a list of verbs or nouns, more definitive list from that story section. You do this but it's sporadic, maybe something in place there. 

Anything else, will let you know

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