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Confusing Polish words


asked by
Ania Marysia
over 3 years ago
Yesterday I spoke the word lekki and it does mean light but I am confused about what we discussed about Holy/swiety and all the light words with different meanings such as the light of Christ or a light switch or carrying something light or the light of day. Would you please clarify because I have the word lekki on my light switch and I think it must me incorrect?
1 answer
answered by
over 3 years ago

Hello Ania, thanks for your question. Yes, you are right, it might be confusing.

lekki means light however in different sense than the light from the sun or light bulb.

In this case light is an adjective, the opposite of heavy. The camera is very light and easy to use. The Polish translation is: Aparat fotograficzny jest bardzo lekki i łatwy w użyciu.

light (a noun) is translated in Polish as światło. It is exactly the same maning like in English.

It can be used in religious context but there is also another Polish nouns maybe more suited. It is światłość (when I put this in Google translate it gives me light as well).

holy in Polish is święty. Not sure about etymology of this term, it may have been created from światło but now it is a separate word with different meaning.

To recap Ania:

lekki - light (adjective, opposite of heavy)

światło - light (noun)

święty - holy (adjective)

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