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Can I Get The English Pronunciation For Russian?


asked by
over 4 years ago
Can you translate the text below into English pronunciation? Like Hello is Russian would be pronounced privEt Russian: *** У тебя́ есть лу́чший друг? Коне́чно! Как его́ зову́т? Его́ зову́т Ми́ша. А как он вы́глядит? Он высо́кий. У него́ све́тлые во́лосы и голубы́е глаза́.
1 answer
answered by
over 4 years ago

Hi there. You can use Google translate to get the "written pronunciation" in English. Your text would look like:

U tebyá yest' lúchshiy drug?


Kak yegó zovút?

Yegó zovút Mísha.

A kak on výglyadit?

On vysókiy. U negó svétlyye vólosy i golubýe glazá.

If you need an audio file for the text, you can post a request in our Audio requests section and we will try to ask somebody from Russia to record it for you.

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