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Starting/Continuing a conversation in Polish

General questions Polish

asked by
over 2 years ago
I don't know if I asked this before, but how do I start or continue a conversation in Polish with my family in Poland for example? I know greetings, farewells, how to give a basic intro about myself, how to ask how are you (also know a few replies), and how to ask what are you doing (don't really know many replies to this), and this usually how all of my conversations attempts in Polish go by text. I want to talk to my relatives one day in Polish either by text, video call, or face-to-face but I think it might be a while before that happens.
1 answer
answered by
over 2 years ago

Hi Celina,

thanks for interesting question. I will give you a few useful sentences that can help you but I think you are on a level when it makes sense to have some online converstation lessons.

You can check apps like Tandem and because many people from Poland want to learn English you will find quickly find speaking partners.

But, as mentioned, here are a few ideas for informal Polish small talk.

Polish small talk ideas

Miło cię znowu widzieć! It's nice to see you again!

Co u ciebie? How are you?

Co słychać? How are you doing?

Jak minął weekend? How was your weekend?

Jakie masz plany na weekend? What are your plans for the weekend?

Co wczoraj robiłeś / robiłaś? What did you do yesterday?

Jaka pogoda w Polsce / w Krakowie / u ciebie? What is the weather like in Poland / in Cracow / at your place?

Czym się interesujesz? What are you interested in?

Co lubisz robić? What do you like to do?

Czy lubisz sport / muzykę / języki obce / podróże / gry wideo? Do you like sports / music / foreign languages / travelling / video games?

Czy lubisz chodzić do szkoły? Do you like going to school?

Jaki jest twój ulubiony przedmiot? What is your favourite subject?

Czym się zajmujesz? What do you do for a living?

Gdzie pracujesz? Where do you work?

Czy lubisz swoją pracę? Do you like your job?

Czy umiesz gotować? Can you cook?

Czy lubisz gotować? Do you like cooking?

Jakie jest twoje ulubione danie? What is your favourite dish?

Jakie filmy lubisz oglądać? What movies do you like to watch?

Jaką muzykę lubisz? What music do you like?

Kto jest twoim ulubionym aktorem / twoją ulubioną aktorką? Who is your favourite actor / your favourite actress?

Jak często chodzisz do kina? How often do you go to the cinema?

Czy często chodzisz do restauracji? Do you often go to restaurants?

Jak spędzasz wolny czas? How do you spend your free time?

Co robisz w wolnym czasie? What do you do in your free time?

Czy masz jakieś hobby? Do you have any hobbies?

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you need pronunciation of these sentence 😀

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