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Prepositions of place and directions


asked by
over 4 years ago
How do you say prepositions like "in" "at" "to" etc.? For expressing a place or a direction?
1 answer
answered by
over 4 years ago

Ciao! 😀

We mostly use "in" and "a" both for expressing the state of staying in a place and the movement towards somewhere. But it can be tricky to understand which one you should use.

As a general rule, that doesn't always work but it helps quite a lot,"in" is used for big places (a country, a continent) whereas "a" is used for small ones (a city or a smaller place).

Vivo in Italia I live in Italy

Sono in Europa I'm in Europe

Vivo a Roma I live in Rome

Sono al supermercato. I'm at the supermarket

But there are exceptions:

Sono in palestra I'm in the gym

Sono in spiaggia I'm at the beach

For movements it's the same:

Vado in Italia I go to Italy

Vado a Roma I go to Rome

Vado in spiaggia I go to the beach

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