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Polish pronunciation, words noc and nos


asked by
Ania Marysia
about 3 years ago
Jak leci? I am confused with these two words: noc and nos?
1 answer
answered by
about 3 years ago

Hi Ania!

Wszystko w porządku 😀

I will start with the meaning, just in case.

noc is night

nos is nose

Here is the recording on the pronunciation of these two words:

Polish c is pronunced like ts in English word cats. The IPA symbol for the sound is ts

Polish s is pronunced like s in English word silk. The IPA symbol for the sound is s.

You can find a good Polish pronunciation guide on this website. I'm planning to create a special course with Polish pronuciation but first need to finish Polish stories for the beginners course 😀

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