How to start learning a new language?

asked by
over 4 years ago
There are so many things when it comes to language learning that it is difficult to choose. What is the best way to start learning a new language? Which resources should I focus on?
2 answers
answered by
over 4 years ago

I would recommend buying one book, containing texts with audio, grammar explanations and exercises with answers. Focus entirely on this book and spend a couple of months reading and re-reading it. Do all the exercise and listen to audio as many times as possible until you almost remember them by heart. You will be surprised how much you will learn.

Being distracted is one of the most common problems when learning a new language. When I started learning French I used many apps, programs, podcasts, etc. The results were not great.

I think that in order to learn, you need to repeat material many times so when you constantly change the resources you use, it is not possible to repeat and the whole process is not effective. I hope this is good tip how to start learning a new language. Let me know what you think of it, and what language do you want to learn.

answered by
about 4 years ago

Thank you for nice tips!

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