French conjugation for er verbs

asked by
over 4 years ago
How to conjugate French verbs ending with -er from the first group? Can you please provide audio?
2 answers
answered by
over 4 years ago

Hello, sure, I'm happy to help with French conjugation for -er verbs

Verbs are divided in three groups, -er, -ir and -re. In reality, it's a little more complex, but for the sake of the argument, we can agree on it.

To conjugate a regular verb, you first need to put the personal pronoun.

Then, you take the infinitive, that is to say the form of the verb before it is conjugated, you take off the -er to obtain the stance of the verb and you add the terminations of the indicative present for the -er verbs.

Chanter : take off the -ER and you get the stance chant- , then you add the terminations -e ; -es ; -e ; -ons ; -ez ; -ent

With verbs like manger or nager, you need to add an "e" with the nous form in order to keep the sound /ʒ/ * Nous mangons * * Nous mangeons

With verbs like appeler or jeter, the number of consonnants ("l","t" in this case) varies according to how you're supposed to pronounce the "e". Open "e" with two consonnants /ɛ/ and closed "e" with one consonnant /ə/ that we can even skip if we speak fast.

Here we are for these verbs. I hoe this will help you. Please let me know if you have any questions.

answered by
over 4 years ago

Thank you very much Marvin! I need to remember these ending and will probably ask you soon about the second and third group 😀

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