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Aspekt dokonany i niedokonany


asked by
almost 4 years ago
I have a problem in Aspekt dokonany i niedokonany in Polish language.
1 answer
answered by
almost 4 years ago

Yes, I can imagine this might be quite difficult for people learning Polish. Quite a few verbs in Polish have got two aspects: one to describe a single, finished action (dokonany), and one describing series of actions or a time when this action was carried out. For instance: czytać to read, this is aspekt niedokonany, showing a series of actions and przeczytać to read is in aspekt dokonany, showing one single event. An example:

Lubię czytać książki I like reading books. Here czytać means a longer activity, series of actions.

Muszę przeczytać te dwie książki. I have to read these two books. This means that the reading needs to be completed and books needs to be read.

It is a bit difficult to explain it but please compare in English sleeping and to fall asleep. Sleeping is a longer activity and falling asleep a single event.

Here's a good vide explaining this in detail:

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