2 questions proszę

General questions

asked by
Ania Marysia
over 3 years ago
Pawel, I was going to wait till Poniedziałek to email as you must be so busy and need more time to resend the lesson to practice for Środa but as long as I am on here and have another question. I will remind you now that I have not received it again after it never downloaded. Please do not apologize! My other question is: how did that top leader board guy get so many 500+ points? Does he just keep repeating the same lessons over and over again or am I doing something wrong?
1 answer
answered by
over 3 years ago

Hello Ania,

Thanks for your questions about lerning Polish language. I usually prepare materials on Wednesday morning for Wednesday afternoon class. But yes, it is a good idea to prepare them earier and email them to you before the lesson so you can prepare a little. I will try to make the document tomorrow (Tuesday) and email it and in following weeks even earlier (Monday or even Friday).

Regarding your other question, yes, you get the point for a finished lesson no matter if you finished it before. Repeting material is very important for learning so absolutely, you shoud revise the finish lessons to remember them better.

We are working on new content and this will be publish this week.

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