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10 basic questions in Polish


asked by
over 4 years ago
Hi! Please give me some basic questions, like 10 or so. Of course in polish.
1 answer
answered by
over 4 years ago

Hi! I'll give you 10 of them so that you can easily start to ask some basic questions.

Polish Pronunciation English
Co u ciebie? How are you?
Jak masz na imię? What is your name?
Ile masz lat? How old are you?
Która godzina? What time is it?
Gdzie jest najbliższy sklep? Where is the nearest shop?
Gdzie są toalety? Where are the toilets?
Czy możesz mi pomóc? Can you help me?
Czy mówisz po angielsku? Do you speak English?
Czy możesz mówić wolniej? Can you speak more slowly?
Czy możesz powtórzyć jeszcze raz? Can you repeat it again?

Video with 10 basic questions in Polish

A few months ago I created a short YouTube video with these 10 basic questions in Polish. If you prefer to learn from the video, please find it below. As mentioned sometimes it is appropriate to add Przepraszam Excuse me at the beginning of a question to make it more polite.

I hope you have found it useful and will quickly remember these basic Polish questions by heart. I should publish more posts like that soon.

Please feel free to leave an answer below if there is a particular topic of Polish language you would like to learn and I will make a post about it 😀

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